Common questions

For many years I have shared with others how to sing the HU, and have heard the experiences of others, from all walks of life, that had been regularly doing so. I continue to be surprised that something so simple can make such lovely changes in people and in their lives, including mine. Out of gratitude, and in hope that others can also find help, I created this video and website. I hope that singing HU makes a difference in your life, too! I found that if you sing it for a few minutes a day and try it a few weeks, you may be more aware of the changes over time.
It's up to you. Some people do it for a few minutes a day, others up to 20 minutes. Some do it when they feel stressed, or want more clarity in their lives. Others sing HU on a regular basis, often daily, because they feel better and have experienced that singing HU has a cumulative effect, one that brings even more love, joy and understanding to their lives.

Try it and see what works best for you!
No, you can do it by simply sitting in a chair, lying down, or in any position that suits you best. Eyes open or closed. You don't have to follow any particular type of breathing or posture. You can do this in a few minutes, or longer if you wish. It's really as simple, and as easy, as drinking a glass of water!
The video and website describing this life-changing tool are not presented, sponsored or affiliated with any religion or spiritual path. This universal technique can be practiced at home privately. There are spiritual organizations that use this contemplative exercise as part of their spiritual practices. While the term meditation is generally used for a number of life-enhancing approaches, some describe singing HU as lighter than meditation; as a contemplative or a spiritual exercise. Others view it as a centering or calming technique.

Regardless of what you choose to call it, you can benefit no matter your spiritual or religious orientation!

For many, regardless of what path they follow, they simply enjoy a special sound that gives them more relaxation, tranquility, and helps them to sleep better. Others experience more peace and clarity. Some have a keen interest in having experiences that help them to connect more with the spirituality that lies within the heart of each one of us.

For example, there are people who go to a lake for the benefit of swimming. Others to enjoy a moment of relaxation. There are others who go to the same lake to drink fresh water; to nourish themselves. And there are also people who go there to simply to feel more connected with themselves and with nature. Some spiritual groups may use the lake as part of their spiritual practices.

How you would like to benefit from this healing and life-changing tool is up to you. Like others, you can experience help in your life in many ways by simply singing HU!


People Share Their Experiences


Listen To Thousands Of People Who Gathered To Sing HU For 20 Minutes